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How does Friends for Pets work?
- You contact Friends for Pets by telephone, email or online booking form.
- After your initial enquiry by telephone, email or online booking form, one of the team will contact you for a little more information on your pet. If, after some more information about us you would like to meet one of the team we will set up a home visit. If you require dog boarding you and your dog will be matched with a suitable pet carer and you will both visit the pet carers home. For all other services one of the team will visit your home. This is free of charge service to ensure you, your pet and our pet carer are happy with the arrangement.
- At the initial home visit you will go through a form with your pet carer and go through your requirements in a lot more detail.
- After the home visit you will then be asked to confirm whether you are happy to proceed with the booking and we will confirm it for you.
- After each visit to your home or boarding, your pet carer will fill in a diary of what your pet has been up to during the time that you have been unable to care for them and this will be left with you.
- If you would like to re-book you can phone up your local team or email through again. We will endeavour to match you with the same pet carer each time you book so that your pet carer and your pet build up a close relationship.